
Hi friends! My name is Audrea Cook, also known as the Code Witch. I graduated from Flatiron School's software engineering bootcamp in January of 2020, and I am currently seeking a full-time developer position.

You can learn a lot about my professional life on my LinkedIn and GitHub profiles, but here are a few things you may not know about me:

  • I live in Colorful Colorado with my gorgeous husband and our two dogs. Ally, our shiba inu, is 99% fur. Juniper Rose, our whippet puppy, is 99% legs. They're an odd pair.
    Ally and Juju
    Juniper Rose and Ally having a cuddle.
  • I crochet. A lot. My crowning crafty achievement is my king-size MooglyCal afghan, which I completed in 2017. I am currently working on several new projects, including two blankets.
  • When I'm not coding or crocheting, I've probably got my nose stuck in a book. With a degree in English literature, I just can't help it! My goal for the last few years has been to read at least one book a week. If you are a fellow bookworm, join me on GoodReads!