As a child, my parents fed me the same line most parents do: “You can be anything you want when you grow up.” While I never distrusted their encouragement, I never truly internalized it, either.
Today, we’re going to explore conditional logic in Ruby using the Pagan Wheel of the Year. The Wheel of the Year is a set of eight holidays adopted by many Pagan traditions, and each holiday observes the changing of the seasons.
Y’all know by now that I am a Flatiron graduate. As one of their many program requirements, students are expected to keep a technical blog (which you’re reading). They make it super simple by setting one up for you using GitHub Pages (which hosts your blog for FREE).
My husband is working from home today, against his will. A random Colorado snowstorm turned the roads into a city-wide ice rink and forced him to leave the office before lunch. This happens regularly during the winter. Nearly every time it does, the words, “I don’t know how you do this every day,” cross his lips.